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What is a SIG? 

A SIG is a group of OLLI members who share a particular interest.  SIGs may evolve from an OLLI class whose members want to continue to explore a subject on their own.  Other SIGs begin when a member wants to create a new group in which to share an interest or experience.  OLLI classes have an educational purpose, SIGs may include less formalized learning such as book clubs, story-telling, genealogy research, etc. 

Characteristics of a SIG

  • SIGs have a designated Facilitator who is the liaison with the OLLI Office and has specific responsibilities.
  • All SIG Members are current Members of the OLLI
  • Members register for a SIG as they do for courses on a first come first registered basis.  Once a member is registered for a SIG, they can remain a member through the end of that annual OLLI year.
  • SIGs do not have a course fee, therefore will not have costs incurred by OLLI at UK
  • SIGs are responsible for finding their own location and determine their own meeting schedule.   
  • All resources needed and/or costs incurred (i.e. space fees, handouts, books, plays,

movies or dinners) are handled by the SIG members – not by the OLLI office.

  • SIGs may last one, two or three semesters in any given annual year.  When OLLI Membership ends each summer, SIG membership ends as well. 

How do I submit a course proposal?

Please review all proposal instructions below. If you would like more information or to discuss the SIG you wish to propose, please contact Teresa Hager at 859-257-2656 or

Dates for Upcoming Semesters

Summer 2025: Monday, June 2 - Thursday, July 31 2025. 

Use the link at the top of the page to access the proposal form.

Proposal Review

All submitted proposals are reviewed by the OLLI at UK Curriculum Committee. Proposed courses are evaluated and scored based on the following criteria:

  • Proposal is complete
  • Evaluation results for continuing instructors/facilitators support continued review of this proposal
  • Course/SIG format is appropriate and conducive to creating a successful learning environment
  • Title and/or description supports clear communication of course content and member expectations.
  • Outline/syllabus is sufficiently developed and achievable
  • Content is educational/intellectual in nature, based on reliable research completed with due diligence,  evidence-based;
  • Content will be presented objectively in a non-biased/non-prejudicial manner, alternative views acknowledged and respected;
  • Objective is to educate, not to promote, advocate, further the interest of, or advance an agenda.  This includes, but is not limited to: political, religious, for-profit, or a personal agenda/objective.
  • Content explores, and is inclusive of, experiences of all persons.
  • Opportunities are available for interaction, open discussion and Q & A;
  • Adequate resources are available to properly present and support the proposed opportunity;
  • Provides a unique opportunity that is not sufficiently available elsewhere or more appropriately offered in a different environment;
  • Significant interest by our membership is expected leading to sufficient registration;
  • Supports a diverse and balanced curriculum.
  • Supports and advances: OLLI at UK Mission; The University of Kentucky Mission & Core Values & University of Kentucky Strategic Vision & Objectives.

After the review, the instructor will receive an email from the OLLI Office with further information. If the proposal is accepted, OLLI Staff will contact the instructor to discuss course location, meeting dates and times, preferred maximum enrollment, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: All SIGs must have a minimum of 10 students registered by one week prior to the start of the SIG.

If you have any questions about the course proposal process, please contact Teresa Hager at 859-257-2656 or